Account Maintenance A module that allows billers to see financial activity for a guarantor account (Professional Billing) or hospital account (Hospital Billing, Home Health Billing, Coding and Abstracting).

ADT/Prelude/Grand Central 

Improves bed utilization and gives users the tools to manage hospital stays from pre-admission through discharge. Allows clinicians to access a census workspace that allows them to view and update current information on patients in their care. Flexible work queues help nurses and other staff members plan for upcoming ADT events, follow up on missing or inconsistent data and assess utilization.
After Visit Summary Report summarizing suc things as orders, diagnoses, and notes for an encounter you can print and send home with the patient.
Anesthesia Anesthesia is Epic's ordering and clinical documentation system for anesthesia. It is used for pre-op evaluations, pre-admission testing, intra-op recordkeeping, recovery care, and post-procedure care. It's integrated with OpTime, Epic's operating room management application.
Arrival Information Items/facts that are collected from the patient or someone associated with the patient when reaching their final destination. Example:  if a patient is arriving to the emergency department, items/facts that can be documented could be name, DOB, sex, the time he/she arrived, how they arrived (see arriving by), details provided by the patient themselves or another individual, or information obvious to a staff member.
ASAP Epic's Emergency Department information system application. This application tracks ED patient visits to the emergency department (ED). The application manages ED staff workflow and includes all patient documentation and ordering for each patient visit.
BCMA (Pharmacy) Barcode Medication Administration (BCMA) is an inventory control system that uses barcodes to prevent human errors in the distribution, prescription, and administration of medications at hospitals. The goal is to make sure that patient are receiving the correct medication at the correct time by electronically validating and documenting medications.
Beacon Oncology Information System Beacon supports the specialized care and treatment of cancer patients. Clinicians can create treatment plans based on standard protocols, make treatment decisions based on comprehensive decision support information, and personalize plans to include treatment cycle and dosing schemes for both IV and oral medications.
Best Practice Advisory An advisory configured by administrators can be triggered based on patient based factors, among other things, and can be restricted as needed to prevent alert fatigue on the end users' part. BPAs can appear in the Visit Navigator, Order Entry, and In Basket messages.
Cadence Name for Epic's Enterprise Scheduling application. Used to schedule and track patient appointments.
Charge Router An Epic application used to communicate charges from clinical to billing systems. It is a centralized place to handle all chargeable events.
Clarity The Clarity application extracts data from Chronicles and stores it on a dedicated analytical reporting server in a relational format, organized as tables and columns.
ClinDoc Documentation notes, records of medication administrations, etc. entered in a patient's hospital chart. 
Clinical References An activity from which a clinician can search for patient educational materials concerning clinical topics and provide those materials to patients.
Cosign Review and authorize an order, note, etc. Orders that require cosigns are orders that are placed for a patient but require additional sign off from an authorized provider.
CPOM [Computerized Physician or Provider Order Management] The process for entering and managing physician orders and instructions electronically. Orders transfer electronically to departments and staff who are responsible for fulfilling the orders. CPOE enables order entry either point-of-care or off site, decreases delay in order completion, provides duplicate order and incorrect dosage or test error-care, simplifies posting of charges and inventory management, and minimizes errors associated with handwriting or transcription.
Cupid Cupid is cardiovascular information systems building on the cardiology features in EpicCare.  It provides additional features for cardiology procedural workflows.
Database Lookup Tab Only available for pharmacists. The tab contains every medication record in the system. Many of the records are not on the formulary. The information comes from a third party data vendor.
Deficiency Tracking An Epic Application. Deficiency Tracking allows you to create chart deficiencies automatically, to monitor deficiencies for completion, and to identify providers who have outstanding deficiencies. 
Dispensed A medication order has been verified by pharmacy and at least one dose has been dispensed.
DNB Account Status as Discharged/Not Billed.
Do not bill insurance (DBI) Check box that, when selected, indicates that you should not bill a patient's insurance for a given procedure.
ED Dashboard An ASAP activity that gives an at a-glance view of ED statistics, such as triage times and waiting times.
ED Log A collection of standard Census Inquiry reports in ASAP that keep track of patients as they move through the emergency department workflow. You can use this log to see an overview of all ED patients in the unit, as well as lists of expected, waiting, and roomed patients.
ED Manager One of the main activities in ASAP that displays all of the patients in the ED, as well as current staff working in the ED. 
ED Map One of the main activities in ASAP. Displays an interactive graphical map of the ED, as well as current staff working in the ED.
ED Track Board A patient management activity in ASAP that allows you to view filtered lists of the patients with whom you are working.
Encounter A clinical contact with a patient. For example, an office visit, an admission, or a triage call. If more than one evaluation or procedure takes place at the visit, it is usually considered one encounter. In billing applications, charges or other transactions can be associated with encounters.
EpicCare Ambulatory EpicCare Ambulatory supports primary care providers and specialists in ambulatory environments. Streamlined workflows, robust order entry, pre-configured documentation templates, integrated specialty support modules, and comprehensive decision support combine in a secure system with a reputation for physician acceptance. Clinicians can prescribe medications, enter notes, indicate diagnoses, and create orders at the point of care. It also combines efficient chart review, orders, and documentation in a fast system that incorporates providers’ preferences through the creation of preference lists. It organizes patient information and guides coordinated care across physical care settings. This system connects providers from all specialties to a single record for each patient.
EpicCare Inpatient Clinical System EpicCare Inpatient spans hospital departments and specialties, giving providers the tools they need to deliver safe, high-quality care. It connects each member of the care team to a single patient record, ensuring that treatment decisions are based on up-to-date information and that care is coordinated when patients are treated by multiple providers. The application has built-in support for ICU/critical care workflows and five rights checking with barcoded medication administration.
EpicCare Link EpicCare Link gives community providers secure, web-based access to information about the care provided to their patients. They can access progress notes, lab results, discharge instructions, consult notes, and other portions of the patients chart. Secure messaging allows community providers to order laboratory and radiology studies.
Guarantor Account Record that contains information about the party ultimately responsible for a given set of professional charges. Guarantor accounts are service area specific.
HAR Hospital Account Record is used to group charges for billing purposes. Each HAR is associated with one or more patient visits in Epic. When using Single Billing Office module, (a PB professional billing tool) HAR is used to hold a single outpatient visit’s charges.
HOD (Hospital Outpatient Department) A specialty department that provides outpatient type care to patients who may or may not be admitted to the hospital. These departments often use a combination of clinical documentation tools from both EpicCare Ambulatory and EpicCare Inpatient. These departments also known as hospital service departments, but hospital outpatient department is the preferred term. 
Hospital Professional Fee [HPF] charge entry A type of charge entry designed to handle situations where outpatient providers are billing for services performed in a hospital. HPF stands for hospital professional fee.
Identity Epic's ID and duplicate record management application. Can be used to prevent such issues as multiple records for the same patient, or single records for multiple patients with identical names and similar data. 
Kaleidoscope Ophthalmology Offers tools and information tailored for the needs of ophthalmology subspecialists, including forms for glaucoma, oculoplastics, neuro-ophthalmology, and pediatric ophthalmology. Device integration is also available.
KPI (Key Performance Indicators) Epic assists customers with measuring KPIs by providing a package of reports related to the business metrics that it considers crucial to monitoring the health of a customer system. Measuring KPIs is part of the Good Install program. 
Message responsibility (a.k.a. "ball of responsibility") Icons indicate whether action needs to be taken and who has the responsibility to perform the action. 
Navigator A series of sections meant to follow a particular workflow, such as an office visit or medication reconciliation. Common examples include the Visit Navigator and the Discharge Navigator.
Next Responsible Party An action used in billing that sends the balance that was not paid by the primary payor to the next party liable for the hospital account.  In other words, to the secondary payors, according to the filing order. If an unpaid balance remains after all of the listed payors have been sent a claim, this action transfers the remaining balance to the guarantor. Next Responsible Party often appears as NRP.
NoteWriter Activity that allows you to use point and click functionality for HPI, ROS, and physical exam, generating text in your progress note.  OpTime Epic's operating room management application.
OpTime Operating Room Management System OpTime Operating Room Management helps improve surgeon productivity, OR utilization, and data access in both inpatient and ambulatory surgical environments. It also provides efficient workflows for scheduling, pre-operative anesthesia, documentation, and follow-up activities. With OpTime, surgeons can plan for an entire case from a single workflow, including entry of pre-operative, intra-operative, and post-operative orders.
Order Sets A preconfigured group of orders commonly ordered together for a specific problem or diagnosis. Order Sets may be suggested based on entries on your patient's problem list, and you can also mark Order Sets you use frequently as your favorites.
Ordering Provider The provider who decides to place an order. For TOVO, the provider who tells the clinician to enter an order is the ordering provider. If a provider enters the order him/herself, he/she is the ordering provider.
Orders Group Grouping of orders offering multiple procedures and/or medications that are often ordered together thus speeding up the ordering process.
Overbook To schedule an appointment into a slot that has already reached its limit of regular appointments but allows for extra bookings.
Overrule To ignore any rules or resource schedules when scheduling an appointment in Cadence; schedulers must have the correct security to do this.
Patient Header Top of the patient chart allows you to quickly see some basic patient information; age, height, weight, known allergies, etc.).
Pharmacy Dashboard The screen the pharmacists see after logging into Epic. The Dashboard allows the pharmacist to monitor orders to verify interventions, and view InBasket messages.
Pharmacy Main Toolbar Toolbar above the Pharmacy Dashboard that gives the Pharmacy user quick access to more common functions such as: order verification, patient lists, order entry, etc...
Phoenix Phoenix application provids a comprehensive view of the patient's transplant chart, focusing on the continuum of care from the initial evaluation to post-operative follow-ups. Transplant-specific documentation tools are integrated into clinical workflows to track data for clinical operations and research and registry reporting. Support for patient surveillance, waitlist management, UNOS waitlist reconciliation and UNOS registry is included. Currently this module is focused on solid organ transplants. It is licensed separately but generally used in conjunction with EpicCare Ambulatory or hospital outpatient visits.
Pools and Classes A pool is an In Basket messaging group created by administrators. When you send a message to a pool, all recipients share a single message, so the action taken by one is seen by all. Use this for sending task based requests.
Preadmission The process of gathering important admission.
Preference List A set of frequently used orders. Orders can be added to facility preference lists by members of your project team and you can also maintain your own personal preference list to include orders you have pre-related information prior to a patient's arrival at the hospital. Preadmission helps prevent users from creating duplicate encounters.
Preregistration The act of registering a patient prior to their admission.
Procedure Within Epic, any order that is not a medication is classified as a procedure. This includes orders for such things as lab tests, consults, supplies, and imaging.
Quick Schedule Activity from which users can quickly schedule an appointment through Cadence scheduling.
QuickActions QuickActions improve physician productivity by reducing the number of clicks required to perform some common tasks in the In Basket. There are two types of QuickActions: Result Note and Letter. 
Radiant Radiology Information System Radiant  combines tools for rules-based scheduling, documentation, results communication, film tracking, and detailed statistical reporting in a unified application for radiology. Stork Obstetrics Information System supports efficient workflows during prenatal, perinatal, and postnatal care. The module allows providers to conveniently organize and print or view the complete course of obstetric care.
Registration Status Status assigned to a patient. Registration status has the same functional concept as "verification status."
Registration Wizard Activity that presents a guided registration workflow in which you proceed through forms in a pre-determined way to register a patient.
Rehab Rehab is used alongside EpicCare Inpatient or Epic Care Ambulatory, the Rehab module is tailored to the unique regulatory and patient care needs of rehabilitation facilities.
Release address The requester address to which released patient health information is sent.
Release Inspector A method used to release patient information without having to print or fax it. Usually separate workstation at which a reviewer can access released patient medical information, and nothing else. 
Release of Information Epic's Health Information Management (HIM) application used to track and fulfill requests for patient health information.
Release of Information activity The main activity in Epic's Release of Information application, where you can authorize, fulfill, and document requests for patient health information.
Release request A record documenting the details of a request for patient health information.
Release Restriction A restriction placed on a patient's medical records, limiting the release of these records to third parties. 
Release Status Refers to the location or status of each patient information release request. For example, In Progress, Fulfilled, Canceled, Out to Provider.
Release type The category into which a request for information falls; for example, legal, insurance, or research. These categories can be defined differently at each health organization. 
Reporting Workbench Reporting Workbench allows the user to run reports using various criteria i.e. time, date, disease, etc. An example of a report could be tracking patients admissions at certain times. These reports are helpful in looking for trends or for auditing measures. The Clarity application extracts data from Chronicles and stores it on a dedicated analytical reporting server in a relational format, organized as tables and columns.
Resolute Hospital Billing Resolute Hospital Billing makes billing workflows efficient, reduces accounts receivable days, and helps you avoid payer denials. Workflow management tools combine with a full range of billing and accounts receivable functionality allowing users to bill acute, ED, and hospital outpatient charges in a single system.
Resolute Professional Billing Resolute Professional Billings helps streamline charge entry, follow-up, payment posting, and other revenue cycle activities. It supports paperless collection processes and helps you submit clean, accurate claims, minimizing denials and helping keep AR days low.
Retro adjudication The process of automatically voiding a charge and reposting it with the correct coverage, properly priced and adjudicated. Certain changes made to a coverage, triggers this process.
Routing When tests results are received, whether in-house or via an external system, someone needs to know about the results. The system uses Results Routing to determine which provider gets which type of message. 
Rover Uses handheld devices in a scan-based workflow, allowing users to review orders needing collection, print specimen labels at the point of care, capture collection details, as well as the ability to pass medications, and input patient data vital signs, intake/output, etc.).
SmartSet A documentation template. A group of orders and other elements, such as notes, chief complaints, SmartGroup Panels, and levels of service, that are commonly used together to document a specific type of visit. Using SmartSets reduces data entry time so you can focus more time on your patients.
SmartText A text template for charting that can include text, SmartPhrases, SmartLists, and SmartLinks. Frequently used in progress notes. They can be big or small many paragraphs or just one sentence.
SmartTool Pre-configured text that can be used to standardize documentation, such as notes, within the system. SmartTools include SmartLinks, SmartLists, SmartPhrases, and SmartTexts.
Stork Stork Obstetrics Information System supports efficient workflows during prenatal, perinatal, and postnatal care. The module allows providers to conveniently organize and print or view the complete course of obstetric care. Epic's obstetric information system application. This application tracks obstetric patient visits. The application manages obstetric staff workflow and includes all patient documentation and ordering for each patient visit.
User Preference Lists These are ordering preferences linked to and created by providers by right clicking on an order during order entry. These lists will contain the orders that an individual provider places most commonly with their preferred defaults set.
Verified Order has been verified by the Pharmacist but Epic has no record of it being dispensed.
Visit Navigator (a.k.a.Navigator) A charting template containing sections where you can document information related too many of the standard components of an office visit.
Willow Ambulatory Willow Ambulatory Application is designed to support the workflows and routines familiar to pharmacists and technicians in integrated outpatient pharmacy settings.
Willow InPatient Epic application designed to support the workflows and routines familiar to most health care professionals in inpatient pharmacy settings. Epic’s pharmacy application.
Willow Inpatient Pharmacy System Willow Inpatient automates pharmacy communications and workflows while coordinating ordering, dispensing, and charging activities. Integrated with the EpicCare Inpatient Clinical System and Epic’s embedded decision support engine, Willow delivers proactive guidance and financial support.