What is a Super User? An employee selected by the department who will provide support in the clinics during go-live. They typically have a deep understanding of department work flows, they attend Epic training early, and they also attend 4-5 additional classes, serving in a support role for end users during the classes. On days when they are acting as Super Users, these staff are not also serving in their normal job duties. They are solely dedicated to supporting end users.
Providers have not typically been chosen to be Super Users; even Provider Educators are not typically Super Users under this definition. Most Provider Educators will teach classes but then return to their clinic duties when in the clinic. There are some exceptions; some departments are opting to relieve some of their Provider Educators of their clinical duties during the early days of the go-live to serve in a true Super User capacity for other providers.
More information on Super Users and how they are being used can be obtained from your Activation Lead.
What is a Training Coordinator? Training Coordinators are selected by the department and are responsible for registering departmental employees (except Provider Educators) for Epic training. They coordinate schedules and coverage within a department/division/clinic so staff can attend training and clinic operations can still continue. There may be one or many Training Coordinators per department. Activation Leads will have more information about Training Coordinators for your department.
What is a Provider Educator? A Provider Educator is a provider who was selected by their department to provide classroom training to other providers, both within and outside of their specialty. These are BJC and WUSM providers and others identified.
What is an Activation Lead? An Activation Lead is a manager (or above) level individual designated by your department to communicate all Epic related activities to the department staff. They represent your department at a high level related to all Epic activities. These are WUSM employees only. This list shows the Activation Lead for each department.
What is a Primary Security Contact? These individuals are selected by the department and are responsible for identifying the Epic role of each departmental employee in the Epic Validation Portal (click to view this list). The Epic role drives the security, functionalilty, and training classes for a user, so selecting a user’s role is a critical step in the onboarding of an Epic user and their abiltiy to use Epic effectively.
If I have used Epic at another non-BJC facility, do I still have to go to training? Yes, all staff will need to attend BJC/WUSM specific Epic training classes that you are assigned. BJC/WUSM are implementing Epic 2017 and it has been customized specifically for our implementation. You cannot gain access to Epic without attending the required Epic classroom training.
Training Coordinator Questions
What if an employee is missing from the Validation Portal after their HR start date? There are two reasons a WU employee would not appear in the Validation Portal
- WU HR does not yet list the employee in your department
- For some employees this may happen after their start date due to delays in the employee providing hiring documentation or delays in this documentation being provided to HR.
⇨Verify the employee has had their start date and that they have been added to payroll.
- The employee's HR job code is not noted as a job that requires Epic access
⇨ Contact so the Epic1 team can investigate.
Is an employee missing from your MyTeam page?
There are a few reasons someone would not appear in your MyTeam page
- The person does not have a role assigned in the validation portal.
⇨ If you are unsure, verify with your department’s primary security contact that the employee’s epic job role has been assigned..
- The person is a dual employee (this means that they also appear in BJC HR). When a person appears in BJC HR they will only appear under their true BJC manager’s MyTeam page. There are three options to register dual/BJC employees:
⇨ Training Coordinator can sit with the employee and have them log in to register for the date and time you specify.
⇨ Schedule and attend a registration event where you can sit with an Epic1 coordinator to register any dual BJC and WU employees by emailing or calling 314-273-4000 to request a date and time.
⇨ Call Epic Program Training to register this person for class. 314-273-4000
- You are not assigned as the Training Coordinator
⇨ Only someone designated as the Training Coordinator for this employee can register this user for training.
⇨ To assign a new or transfer employee a Training Coordinator:
Does the employee’s curriculum in Saba not match their assigned role in the validation portal? Changes made in the validation portal feed to Saba twice daily. Depending on the timing of the role change, it may take up to one full business day for role changes to appear in Saba.
- Wait 1-2 business days after the role was changed.
⇨ If the curriculum is still not updated contact so the Epic1 team can investigate.
Is the employee’s curriculum in Saba missing a course that was noted in the validation portal?
⇨ Contact so the Epic1 team can investigate.
Do you need to assign a new or transferred employee a Training Coordinator?
- To assign a new or transfer employee a Training Coordinator:
Once an Epic job role is assigned in the validation portal, how long does it take for curriculum to display in Saba?
Once an Epic job role is assigned in the validation portal it can take up to two full business days for curriculum to display in Saba.
Provider Learner Questions
If I am a Provider Educator do I need to be registered for Epic classes? Provider Educators will not need to complete eLearning or classroom training because the Provider Educator on-boarding process will teach them everything covered in those activities and more. Provider Educators will be required to attend a personalization lab because through this exercise they will tailor Epic to meet their needs when using Epic in their “normal” capactity as a provider . Please note that eLearnings and classroom training may still show up in your Saba dashboard as “required” – the Epic1 training team will mark your eLearning and classroom training as completed prior to go-live.
If I am a provider and I have used Epic at another non-BJC facility, do I still have to go to training? Yes, all providers will need to attend BJC/WUSM specific Epic training classes you are assigned. BJC/WUSM are implementing Epic 2017 and it has been customized specifically for our implementation. There is an option to test out of eLearnings. The link to take the test-out option is right below the eLearning link in Saba. You cannot gain access to Epic without attending the required Epic training:
- Complete eLearning or eLearning test-out option
- Attend classroom training
- Attend personalization lab
If I am a provider and I went live at another location within BJC/WUSM (Pod 1 or 2), do I need to attend additional training prior to the academic campus go-live? You will not be required to repeat any training you have already attended, for example Inpatient training. Likewise, you will not be required to complete additional eLearnings. You will be required to attend classroom training for job functions that you were not trained on for Pod1 or Pod 2; an example of this could be, Ambulatory training.
Additional eLearnings may show up on your Learn@Work/Saba dashboard. These are not required, but for additional practice they can be taken at your discrtion. The Epic1 training team will mark any uncompleted eLearnings as ‘complete’ prior to go-live.
I am a provider and I feel like my eLearnings are not relevant to me or my field. Can you clarify? The eLearnings are a general introduction to Epic that have replaced classroom training. All BJC/WUSM providers in all fields that are live on Epic have completed the eLearnings. They serve as a foundation of knowledge, but are generally not specific to one specialty.
Are eLearnings mandatory for providers? Yes, eLearnings are mandatory for all providers prior to attending classroom training. They are mandatory for view only access roles.
Exceptions: eLearnings are not required for Provider Educators and providers currently live in BJC hospitals. They may show up as “required” in Saba, but the Epic1 training team will mark them complete prior to go-live.
Do providers have to attend the personalization labs? Yes, personalization labs are required for providers. Personalization labs are considered one of the most important steps prior to go-live. Personalization labs are taught within small groups. In these classes providers learn how to personalize their notes, order sets, preference lists, macros, smartphrases and toolbars.
If a provider has already completed a personalization lab as part of the Pod 1 or Pod 2 go-live, do they need to repeat a personalization lab for the academic go-live?
Providers are only required to take one personalization lab across all go-lives. Many providers choose to attend a personalization lab more than once for continued help with personalization but this is not required.
How many personalization labs are providers required to attend?
Providers are required to complete one personalization lab.
I am a provider and I feel like this is a lot of training? By using Provider Educators we have reduced the recommended classroom time since you are receiving training from your peers. For BJC/WUSM you are completing approximately:
- 4 hours of eLearnings
- 4 hours of classroom training for outpatient (if applicable)
- 4 hours of classroom training for inpatient (if applicable)
- 2 hours of classroom training for personalization lab
Does training cover provider individual workflows? No, Epic training does not cover your individual workflows, but instead covers functionality of using the Epic system. Your individual workflows will be determined by using the system with your staff, residents, clinics, etc., as every field works differently.
Non-Provider Learner Questions
Are eLearnings mandatory for non-providers? No, eLearnings are not mandatory for non-providers, but are recommended prior to attending classroom training. eLearnings are mandatory for view only access roles.
How do I access my Epic eLearning?
Follow the link here to navigate to the tip sheet on how to view your Epic eLearnings
I am a non-provider and the completion of my eLearnings are not displaying in the Saba dashboard reports, why not?
Because non-provider eLearnings are not required, Saba does not count them toward your “progress” toward completing your curriculum. Non-required items are recommended, but not reflected in the dashboard statuses.
What is the Epic Playground (PLY) environment and how do I get access?
Epic Playground (PLY) is an environment outside of the classroom for end users to practice and apply what they learned in class. You access PLY through the Epic Web Portal on your desktop. Remember to log into PLY using the generic logins and password provided to you in classroom training. If you need assistance on how to log into PLY click here.
If there is a problem with your PLY login, who do I contact?
Remember to take your classroom information sheet with you at the end of class as it includes your PLY login information. If you lost your classroom information sheet you should contact your Super User to find out if they have login information.
What is the process for getting your username and password for Epic?
Your username and password for Epic is your WUSTL key and password.
I don’t know what my WUSTL Key is. How do I find it?
Your WUSTL Key is the username and password you use to log into HRMS.
What is the cancellation policy for Epic training classes?
Epic training classes will be cancelled 48 hours in advance of the class if there is zero enrollment.
I have not heard anything about Epic, who should I ask? Every department has an Activation Lead. Work with your supervisor to contact your department Activation Lead.
What about all these emails from Saba? Saba sends several different types of email notifications. As your training coordinator signs you up for classes in Saba, invitations will be sent to you via Outlook. The email subject line will read “Registration for Instructor Led Class” and it will contain details about the class you are going to attend. You should accept the invitation so it goes on your Outlook calendar. These are your Epic classes you are required to attend. Discuss any other communications with your training coordinator.
Are meals served at these classes? They are served if class is longer than 5 hours or over a lunch or dinner hour. Water and coffee are available also.
After training, before go live, what is my responsibility as a Super User and provider educator, or even as an end user? Practice, Practice, Practice!!!! When you attend your first Epic class, you will be given a generic login to access the Epic Playground. This allows you to log in as a test user to practice what you’ve learned and consider workflows in your areas – before you go live. Practice workflows that will occur in your particular setting for your users. This is the opportunity for you to discuss this with your end users and prepare for go live.
Where can I learn more? If you want to learn more, you can start by watching the Epic readiness vlogs on the Epic1 website -